The Gynecology Division of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford Medicine offers care to women and individuals of all ages. A full scope of services is available from annual preventive, well women exams to complex medical and surgical care of women and individuals during their reproductive and post reproductive years, including Urogynecology care. The Division of Gynecology participates in several national clinical trials involving new hormonal therapies for contraception and menopausal replacement as well as studies on vaginal infections. Our patients benefit from treatment by a highly experienced, multidisciplinary team skilled in both medical and surgical gynecologic diagnosis and therapies. We provide outstanding medical care while recognizing the emotional and social aspects of gynecologic problems and provide the necessary support in these areas.
We care for young women and individuals concerned with irregular cycles, contraceptive technology, and stress appropriate, preventive gynecologic care. As people complete their families, we provide counseling and therapeutic management for mid life individuals in the peri- and postmenopause. In situations where medical therapy is not sufficient, we provide innovative care including laparoscopic, same day, surgery as well as trans cervical procedures to remove fibroids and control bleeding. We also provide diagnostic and preventive therapy for stress incontinence and pelvic floor prolapse.
We provide a variety of both transcervical, laparoscopic and abdominal procedures, including removal of fibroids and ovarian cysts, as well as caring for women with endometriosis and irregular, heavy vaginal bleeding.
Gynecologic Specialties
Patient Care
900 Blake WilburPalo Alto, CA 94304