Contact & Appointment Information
for new and current patients
All appointments are scheduled in advance. We will provide you with the earliest appointment available. If your physician is not available, we will offer you an alternate choice.
Phone: (650) 725-6079
Fax: (650) 723-6046
Days & Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
New Patient Registration
If you are a new patient, it is necessary for us to obtain registration and insurance information prior to your appointment. If we are unable to reach you prior to your appointment, please plan on coming to the clinic at least 30 minutes before your appointment time. Please have your insurance card and any other necessary insurance billing information with you.
Your Visit
Please plan to arrive in the reception area 15 minutes prior to your appointment. Check in at the desk so that we can verify that your registration information is current and collect any co-payments. After your appointment, you will need to stop at the reception desk to schedule any follow up appointments.
Nurse Advice
Advice is provided over the phone by nursing personnel in consultation with your physician. The nurse will advise you regarding your current medical condition, answer immediate questions and prioritize appointments to assist the most urgent cases. For Nurse Advice, call (650) 725-6079
Emergency/After Hours
At the Stanford Gynecology Clinic, a physician is always on call for emergency care. If you need urgent medical attention after regular office hours, call (650) 725-6079 and the physician on-call will be alerted to your urgent medical needs. In a life threatening situation, you should go immediately to the nearest emergency room. If you need an ambulance, call 911
Laboratory Studies and Diagnostic Tests
Your physician may order laboratory or other diagnostic tests such as mammograms, ultrasound or other radiology tests. Please allow two weeks for test results to be reviewed by your physician. You will receive a letter in the mail or a phone call with your test results.
Prescription Refills
Please have your pharmacy fax your prescription refill request to the clinic. If they need to speak with someone, they can call (650) 725-6079 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. Some refills may also require an office visit, particularly when you have not been seen by your physician for some time, to ensure that the medication is used safely and effectively. Patients will be notified if an appointment is needed. Please allow 24 hours for routine prescription renewals. Call to request a refill when you have 10–14 days left on your prescription so that you do not run out of your medication. Have your pharmacy fax your prescription refill requests to (650) 723-6046 (24 hours a day)
Referrals & Authorizations
If you have an HMO health insurance plan, it may be necessary for you to obtain a referral before making an appointment with the Gynecology Clinic. Various services may require advance authorization by your insurance company. For referral questions, call (650) 498-7835
Patient Billing – Customer Service
It is important for you to be familiar with the type of insurance plan you have and what specific services are covered as this may differ with each health plan. The billing office provides patient billing services for the Gynecology Clinic. For billing inquires, call Customer Service at (650) 498-5850
You Can Help Us Serve You:
- Know your health plan benefits
- Be prepared with questions at the time of your office visit
- Give your doctor a list of all your prescriptions
- Notify us of any change: name, address, phone number, employment, or insurance
- Call us as far in advance as possible to schedule an appointment
- Give us 24-hour notice when you must cancel an appointment
- Let us know how we are doing
- We make every effort to meet our patients’ needs Please address your comments or concerns about your care to the Clinic Manager.
900 Blake WilburPalo Alto, CA 94305