Global Outreach
Providing Simulation-Based Training for Managing Obstetrical Emergencies in Costa Rica
GO MOMS recently attended the Annual National Obstetrical and Gynecologic Congress of Costa Rica where they provided training to over 70 attending physicians, residents, and nurses.
Making Birth Safer in Haiti
Stanford Fellow Megan Foeller, MD, travels to LaMontagne, Haiti, to provide and teach obstetric care. In collaboration with Friends of the Children, she established an educational program for 25 local traditional birthing attendants.
Stanford Program for International Reproductive Education and Services (SPIRES) - Building Capacity in Developing Countries
The Stanford Program for International Reproductive Education and Services (SPIRES) aims to advance women’s health in developing countries. The program focuses on building medical capacity by providing technical expertise and training for international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Ethiopia to Benefit from New Cervical-Cancer Diagnostic Tool
Paul Blumenthal, MD, MPH, is building a program in Ethiopia to improve screening of cervical cancer. Adnew Shumet is the program’s director. Also involved is a chief resident at Ababa medical school.
Go Moms
Global Outreach Mobile Obstetrics Medical Simulation & Gynecologic Surgery
Go Moms are a team of Ob/Gyns from the San Francisco Bay Area who use evidence-based education and simulation-based training to teach physicians, medical residents, and students how to improve maternal and child health outcomes in Central America.