MFM and Obstetric Studies
CHRONIC HYPERTENSION AND PREGNANCY (CHAP) PROJECT: A Pragmatic Multicenter Randomized Trial Antihypertensive Therapy for Milkd Chronic Hypertension during Pregnancy
Principal Investigator: Yasser El-Sayed, MD
Clinical and Molecular Characterization of Placenta Accreta: A Prospective, Observational Study to Establish a Database and Tissue Bank
Principal Investigator: Deirdre Lyell, MD
Evaluation of Probiotic Oral Supplementation Regimen Effects on Group B Steptococcus Rectovaginal Colonization in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
Principal Invstigator: Natali Aziz, MD, MS
Non-Invasive Fetal and Pregnancy Biomarker Discovery Project
Principal Investigator: Yair Blumenfeld, MD
Stress and Preterm Labor in Multiple Gestations
Principal Investigator: Deirdre Lyell, MD
For more information about our research projects, potential collaborations, or participation in studies, please email or call (650) 725-5720